Delivery of 3 - 7 business days * Terms and conditions apply


Foam 150ml

Original price was: $ 33,00.Current price is: $ 20,99.

Keeping a beautiful skin is not only a matter of expensive products, but of a correct implementation of good products in your daily routine, so the perfect complement to a cleansing routine, is our FOAM anti-pollution foam, which apart from removing the impurities that you collected throughout the day, will help you control existing acne and prevent the appearance of new imperfections.

Delivery of 3 – 7 business days * Terms and conditions apply

We know that our daily life deteriorates the skin and especially the face. That is why FOAM is a facial foam made with natural ingredients such as aloe vera, chamomile and vitamin E which will help you:

The rapid recovery of the skin

Combat aging

Diminish the appearance of pores


 1- Apply a generous amount of the anti-pollution foam to your hands or directly to your face.

2- Gently massage all over your face until makeup or any environmental residue is completely removed.

3- Rinse and remove all the product.

To optimize its use: To ensure excellent results, we recommend exfoliating your face at least once a week. We recommend including our facial scrub in your skin care routine before the FOAM foam, you will notice how your face will look more radiant and youthful. 

Frequently Asked Questions

It is recommended to use Foam Cleansing Foam twice a day, morning and evening, as part of your facial care routine.

Foam cleansing foam is a facial cleansing product that, when in contact with water, generates a soft and light foam. This foam helps to remove excess oil, dirt and makeup residue from the skin, leaving it fresh and clean. It works by penetrating the pores to remove impurities without drying the skin.

Foam cleansing foam is suitable for most skin types, especially for combination, oily or acne-prone skin. However, there are specific formulations for every skin type, from sensitive to dry skin.

Yes, many Foam cleansing foams are formulated to effectively remove waterproof makeup. However, in some cases, it may be necessary to use a specific makeup remover for more sensitive areas.

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Modo de uso del depigmentante íntimo

Devolverle el tono natural a tu piel y eliminar esas manchas oscuras si es posible, aprende cómo con el modo de uso del despigmentante íntimo. Sabemos que la mayoría de las veces esta pigmentación es causada por cambios hormonales, acné o métodos de depilación como la cuchilla o la cera. Con el correcto modo de uso del Despigmentante íntimo notarás los cambios entre 15 a 27 días. Recuerda que es un tratamiento progresivo mínimo 3 meses consecutivos. Estos resultados van sujetos a factores como cambios hormonales, productos cosméticos (desodorantes), métodos de depilación, entre otros.

Aquí te dejamos el modo de aplicación despigmentante íntimo, este maravilloso producto que le podrás sacar el mayor provecho posible. Recuerda realizar la prueba de sensibilidad antes de tu primera aplicación.


Prueba de sensibilidad Aplica una pequeña cantidad del producto en el área a tratar, espera 10 Segundos, si no presenta reacciones adversas continúa con el proceso, tu piel es apta para usar el producto.

Modo de uso del desgimentante íntimo – Día

  • Paso 1

Si vas a usarlo en el día, aplica en la zona que deseas despigmentar la cantidad necesaria para cubrir el área y con movimientos circulares suaves por 3 min. Recuerda que no debes frotar, más bien debes realizar suaves masajes.

  • Paso 2

Deja actuar el producto de 10 a 15 minutos más.

  • Paso 3

Retiralo con agua tibia.

Modo de uso del desgimentante íntimo – Noche

  • Paso 1

Aplica en la zona que estás tratando, la cantidad necesaria para así cubrir el área.

  • Paso 2

Déjalo actuar toda la noche y al día siguiente enjuaga con agua tibia. Y LISTO ✨